#giorno wallpapers
luffystaro · 2 years
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. . giornooo!!(⁠つ⁠ˆ⁠Д⁠ˆ⁠)⁠つ⁠。⁠☆
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kkkklabresi · 2 years
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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mr-babygirl · 9 months
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lokskrins · 1 year
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random jojo wallpapers ⭐️⭐️
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thearoaceshark · 4 months
Happy pride month! I have been making some jjba pride wallpapers and I will start posting them in these days, you can use them with credit, if you all are interested.
Now here, have the Jojos!
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You can check out the Jojo Villans here
The Jobros
Part 1-3 characters
Morioh Gang
Bucci Gang
Stone Ocean Gang
Part 5 characters
SBR characters
The sexualities and gender identities of the characters are headcanons of mine and a friend's, and some were also chosen at random since I didn't want to just make my hc but to include as many identities and orientations as possible 🫶
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morningsundove · 1 year
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Feel free to use any
Images an pngs belong to their original owners 😗 ship fanart Auralime
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coochellati · 5 months
Hi! Could you share some favorite Bruno headcanons? Love your blog ❤️
Aweee, thank you so much!! ❤️
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Of course!! Here’s a list!! :)
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My Favorite Bruno Headcanons!!
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He’s got a tan line on his chest from his suit! Lingerie!Bruno also has tan lines from the lace. 😭
Bruno takes pride in his grooming habits. He’s got a whole skincare routine that gives him the softest, glowiest skin that radiates this godlike, ethereal aura. 
He smells like freshly-washed sheets and nice cologne. The cologne he wears is softer on the nose—contains notes of vanilla and lavender. (I imagine his cologne smells like Le Male Le Parfum. If you haven’t smelled it—you need to.)
His zipper charms jingle when he walks.
The place he lives is covered in his signature print. His bedspread? It’s that upside-down pull tab pattern. Towels? Absolutely. His walls??? Covered in wallpapers with his print. 
As much as he enjoys taking you out on dates, he prefers nights in at his place. Staying in is much more intimate—the two of you can hold each other close while sipping on some nice wine and enjoying each others’ favorite media.
Speaking of which, Bruno loves sharing his favorite media with you.  Whether it be listening to the music of Miles Davis or cuddling up to Il Postino, he’s honored that you take interest in his favorite things. And of course, he loves hearing about it the things you like. It warms his heart when he watches you get all excited and happy as you infodump. 
He’s a romantic lover, but not a cheesy one. His acts of love are genuine—he’d do anything just to see your beautiful smile.
It’s stated he enjoys Miles Davis, so it’s evident he enjoys Jazz Fusion. I believe he’s also into prog rock and classical. He has a nice vinyl collection.
Bruno is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to wine. He appreciates the art of it and enjoys wine tasting.
Bruno doesn’t drink a ton of wine—a glass with dinner is usually the extent of it. He likes to keep his mind clear and sharp in case a situation arises, prepared for anything. He doesn’t use any substances other than alcohol. (As much as I like the idea of taking bong rips with Bruno, we all know it wouldn’t happen. MAN I wish it would though.) If he were to get drunk, it would take him about 4 drinks.
In a world where nobody died, Bruno was promoted to Underboss after Giorno took over.
Bruno takes a lot after his dad; he’s got that protector complex. Children pick up and model behavior from their parents. His dad wanted to protect his family from the cruelties of the world, so it’s no doubt he would feel the need to protect you too. He’ll sacrifice his whole self just to keep you safe. (I go into a lot of detail about this in this post.)
He has a fuck ton of money (he is underboss, after all), but he’s still a reasonable spender. Growing up poor, he likely inherited some of his parents’ spending habits. It’s not that he won’t get nice things for himself every once in a while (nothing too egregious,)—I just don’t believe he’d buy himself a mansion.
…you did ask for a list of favorites, and my favorites happen to include some NSFW ones. They’re under the cut ;)
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Bruno Bucciarati isn’t shy with his tongue. He loves oral sex—and he’s damn good at it, too. (all that sweat-licking has given him practice 😂) Tasting you is his biggest turn-on to him—it’s as if he’s tasting your arousal.
He’s a switch, able to play the role of a tormenting dom, or a discomposed sub.
Dom!Bruno revels the power in-balance between the two of you. He’s a highly ranked member of Passione, for one. He wants to make sure you know your place—maybe he’ll make you call him by his last name instead of Bruno as a way to “respect” him, giving you an even greater sense of subordinancy. He also happens to be the wielder of Sticky Fingers, which, come on—he definitely uses his ability in the bedroom. Sticky Fingers is the best stand for sex. (And I am willing to bet money on that.) His ability can be used to separate things, attach you to things, dismantle your body, etc, etc, etc…. You can get incredibly creative with those zippers. And come on, he tortures people. No doubt he’ll wanna carry some of that freaky attitude into the bedroom with him.
Bruno is always in control of everything, so relinquishing his authority and letting someone else take control can be an incredibly freeing sensation. Sub!Bruno becomes intoxicatingly high off your touch, slowly unraveling until he’s a complete mess, having lost all sense of composure.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 10 months
hhhhshshss... fugio headcanons
i'm posting so much today holy shit
fugo and giorno like to go on cute dates to butterfly gardens and all that
either butterfly gardens or just having picnics next to ponds or lakes
Giorno likes growing flowers and other plants in his garden and Fugo likes to watch him do gardening
Fugo has his own little section in the garden too btw
he isn't very good at gardening tho so Giorno has to help out
They share a bedroom together and have a heap of plants in the room
it's every aesthetic Instagram girl's dream room
ladybug and flower wallpaper. I stand by this.
vines and hanging flowers all around the place
it's a really cute room overall
Fugo likes cacti the most
mostly bc it's easy to take care of
Giorno is a proud plant dad
do you wanna hear what pet names I think they give each other???
*points a gun to your head* do you want to hear the pet names i think they give each other?
that's what I thought.
Fugo likes to give him fairly simple, but cute pet names (google translate warning):
Amore mio
goldilocks (mostly as a tease)
golden boy
pretty boy (he's not wrong)
flower boy
Giorno is a sucker for romance:
lover boy
cutie pie (he loves being cringe on purpose)
they're so cute, i'm a genius (i'm as dumb as narancia)
GER also likes to randomly appear behind Fugo and just stare at him until he notices
"...." "how the fuck do I make a- HOLY SHIT-!" "... can you let purple haze out please?"
also Giogio and Fugo have a little strawberry farm together
Mista keeps trying to eat them when they're not looking (also he's just there btw)
they have a lot of pets, most of them being insects
Fugo isn't a big fan of cuddling (unless he's in a really good mood), so most of the time they sleep back to back
y'know that picture of the bucci gang giorno gave fugo at the end of phf? they have that framed and hung on the wall
purple haze likes to be around GER
stands being in love is one of my favourite things
if Fugo is in the mood to cuddle, his favourite way to cuddle is spooning
he likes being the big spoon, because the thought of someone hugging from behind makes him uncomfortable
(also because giorno's hair smells really good but we don't talk about that)
i wish gay people were real
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boomboxboi · 1 year
Would the Bucci-Gang survive Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory? 🍫
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno would hands down lick that funky wallpaper.
And he would enjoy that quite a bit.
Then he’d go into the off limits bubble room.
He would try the bubbles and begin to float.
He also would not burp.
But he’d zip his stomach open so the gas could escape.
And then he’d get in a fight with Willy Wonka because his factory is funky and there can only be one funky man in town!
Leone Abbacchio
He would die on that chaotic ass boat ride.
Who wouldn’t, though?
That shit is a hungover man’s worst nightmare.
He would fall out of the boat and then drown in the molten chocolate.
RIP to Abbacchio.
Pannacotta Fugo
Physically: Yes.
Mentally: No.
The logic of that factory would cause Fugo to have an existential crisis.
When he left, nothing would make sense anymore.
Willy Wonka’s logic?
It’s too much for Fugo to handle.
He survived. But at what cost?
Narancia Ghirga
But it was worth it.
All that candy?
All that chocolate?
It’s Narancia’s dream.
Though, if he did survive, he’d have so many cavities.
His death would be in that room where everything is edible.
He would probably eat something that he shouldn’t.
The one thing that wasn’t edible.
RIP our hungry lil’ man.
Guido Mista
It isn’t his fault, though.
The Pistols just eat literally everything.
And they eat that gum that turns you into a blueberry.
Six little blueberries just floating around.
And then Mista becomes a blueberry by default.
He’s lucky they didn’t fall in that chocolate river.
RIP Mr. Blueberry and his six lil’ blueberries.
Giorno Giovanna
He’s funky enough to survive that hellscape.
In fact, he would outplay and outsmart Wonka in every single way.
Eventually, the two would become allies.
It would be everyone’s nightmare.
Also, he would love that wacky boat ride.
And would want to go on the ride again.
This is Giorno’s villain origin story.
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luffystaro · 2 years
oiee!! vc tem algum lockscreen que combina com esse?? pra pôr os dois de wallpaper!! obrigadaaa <33
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oioi anjo, perdão pela demora!! Aqui, espero que goste <33
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meramu-meramu · 7 months
From inside his terrarium, Polnareff had a limited perspective of the world, each day observing the events of the grand house on the shores of Naples. He’d grown into his role as an advisor, but when it came to matters of business only—he had less experience when it came to matters of the heart. While Giorno was young enough to be his son, Polnareff struggled to be something of a father figure. Why, the boy was so grown… even if he knew nothing about love.
It was painful to watch, really; Mista, who denied himself out of fear and superstition, and Giorno who sabotaged and punished himself.
At his wits end, Polnareff came to wonder if Mista was right. Perhaps 2004 really was a cursed year.
Or, a giomis story told from Polnareff’s POV
9 chapters/80k/complete
With his legs crossed Giorno leaned on the covered armrest with his elbow, laid his other hand on his knee and tilting his head he averted his gaze. “Well, the truth is, Mr Polnareff,” he said lightly. “I’m afraid it’s not something you could do anything about.”
In that moment, a shiver seized the dome of Polnareff’s shell as he saw the first sign of a great unease, appearing like a large undefined shape moving under the surface of the ocean. Giorno watched the shadows with his wispy, wavy hair still above his head, his eyes unmoving. Whenever Polnareff spoke of his father, Giorno would make that face; his forehead perfectly smooth, his lips thinning and his eyes distant. Then, he would speak in a detached manner and after he left, Polnareff would not see him for at least a few days, lest it was strictly business. If Polnareff could sweat, he would, and if his cheeks could flush, they might have, too. There were some advantages to this form, after all. “Well,” Polnareff said kindly, hoping Giorno wouldn't think less of him for what he was about to say, “I could always listen. You know?”
Giorno's face became a profile against the wallpaper. “I suppose,” he said yet again, and Polnareff came to wonder how well he truly knew him. Despite their countless long talks over the past few years Giorno's trust was like a matchstick flame. If you got too close, your breath would be enough to put it out.
“So, what?” Polnareff spoke to him pointedly. “Just because he’s been avoiding you for a bit, you’re gonna hold it against him forever? Is that what a friend does?” Mista was a dreadfully irrational and hard-headed person at his worst, always living within his own images of the world, but the layers of delusion were thin and he was sober through his down to earth nature. All Polnareff had to do was shake his logic up a bit, surely.
“You know, I think I get it. I finally get it,” Mista said, his voice clear in the silence, Polnareff’s plight outright ignored. “I used to think I was different. But I'm not,” there was a fleeting quality to that very same clarity. Polnareff listened with his feet digging into the soft earth, his claws spreading anxiously. “I used to be a drifter. No attachments whatsoever. And that had changed already before I met him, but,” he shrugged, his shoulders rising against the draping orange light. He wavered and his body sank yet again, his fingernails scraping against the wooden surface of the table. “But that guy—or kid, that I used to be, he barely even feels like me anymore,” he hung his head. “Maybe that's normal. I dunno. But sometimes… sometimes, it really just feels like…” his voice diminished pitifully. “Like he's just gonna gobble me up. Swallow me whole,” his confession was quiet and tensely truthful, and Polnareff couldn’t seem to absorb it, “and leave nothing behind. And it's like,” Mista gesticulated with his other hand, tensing and curling his fingers, clutching in the air. “Nothing's ever enough—”
The boys were truly hopeless, Polnareff thought. Mista was ready to live out his borrowed days however he pleased, only self-indulgent, but once his manufactured little scenario had played out he would simply don his layers of denial and walk away. Then, at the end of the day, once all his work-related anxieties had been aired out, Giorno would surely sit in his room upstairs, washing his face, unbraiding his hair and setting his curls with as much boyish and blackhearted lovesickness as his disposition would allow. Giorno was mature. He was not impervious to matters of the heart. As for Mista, he was very clever. He was sweet, but not always the most considerate.
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chmerical-a · 1 year
what’s  your  phone  wallpaper : uhhhh lock screen is joylene & background is giorno. both from jjba <3 last  song  you  listened  to : cigarettes out the window - tv girl currently  reading : weyward - emilia hard last  movie : PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE ( i need someone to give me this au pls & thx ) last  show : abbott elementary craving : idk, chicken katsu what  are  you  wearing  right  now : low rise baggy jeans, crop top, unbuttoned button up how  tall  are  you? : iykyk piercings / tattoos? : tew many :’) glasses ? contacts? : porque no los dos last  thing  you  ate? : lamb gyro favorite  color(s) : a lot! current  obsession : pedro pascal as agent whisky & angela giarratana as grace chasity any  pets : my son, stitch. he’s a kitty & i love him always do  you  have  a  crush  right  now? : bruh i may have a man’s but lord do i got my celeb crushes ( florence pugh & paul rudd ) favorite  fictional  character : i cannot pick only 1 sry last  place  you  traveled : somewhere socal ( hollywood )
tagged by : i swiped this tagging : swipe from meeeee
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lokskrins · 1 year
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random jojo wallpapers ⭐️⭐️
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carmenvicinanza · 3 months
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
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Essere circondati da cose belle ha molta influenza sulle creature umane; fare cose belle ne ha di più. Mentre ci illudiamo che le cose rimangano uguali, queste cambiano proprio sotto i nostri occhi di anno in anno, di giorno in giorno.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, scrittrice e poeta femminista, esponente di spicco del movimento di liberazione delle donne statunitensi, si è interessata approfonditamente alla relazione tra indipendenza economica, rispetto ambientale ed evoluzionismo.
Intellettuale a tutto tondo, ha militato all’interno di diverse organizzazioni impegnate nell’analisi della società umana, proponendo una prospettiva nuova sul ruolo della donna nella società e auspicando una liberazione sociale, sessuale ed economica.
La sua opera maggiormente conosciuta è La carta da parati gialla (The Yellow Wallpaper), del 1892, un racconto semi-autobiografico sulla depressione post-partum e l’isolamento delle donne.
Il lavoro di tutta la sua vita è stato quello di propugnare l’autoaffermazione delle donne, al di fuori dei ruoli stereotipati di madre e moglie.
Nata a Hartford, nel Connecticut, il 3 luglio 1860, era figlia di Mary Ann Fitch Westcott e Frederick Beecher Perkins. Sua zia è stata Harriet Beecher Stowe, l’autrice deLa capanna dello zio Tom.
La sua vita venne segnata, fin dalla più tenera età, da una serie di eventi drammatici: la perdita di un fratello, la salute cagionevole della madre, l’abbandono della famiglia da parte del padre. A causa della situazione economica precaria, si trasferirono spesso, cosa che le impediva di costruire legami stabili.
Vivendo un’infanzia di isolamento e solitudine, si rifugiava nella lettura, passione ereditata dal padre che, sebbene distante, non smetteva di consigliarle libri da leggere. Le difficoltà che segnarono la sua infanzia contribuirono al desiderio di indipendenza che l’ha accompagnata per tutta la vita.
Sin dall’adolescenza, si cimentò in diversi lavori, dava lezioni private, era stata cassiera e stata addetta alle vendite, dipingeva e vendeva carte intestate, cuciva tende e rammendava vestiti, realizzava volantini pubblicitari e vendeva i suoi acquerelli. Tuttavia, nonostante avesse talento, non si è mai considerata un’artista.
Nel 1882, dopo una relazione di quattro anni con l’amica di vecchia data Martha Luther, incontrò Charles Walter Stetson, giovane artista di Rhode Island che sposò due anni dopo. Dalla loro unione nacque una figlia, Katharine. Il parto le causò una terribile depressione curata anche in una casa di cura.
La nevrosi e l’insofferenza verso il convenzionale ruolo di moglie e madre la portarono a separarsi dal marito, nel 1888, e a trasferirsi a Pasadena, dove cominciò a dedicarsi totalmente alla sua carriera.
Ha fatto parte attiva del movimento nazionalista, che operava per porre fine all’avidità del capitalismo e alle distinzioni di classe, proponendo l’avvento di un genere umano migliore, pacifico, etico, democratico e realmente progressista. La sua poesia, Similar Cases, del 1890, che l’ha proclamata la poeta del Nazionalismo, era una critica satirica di coloro che resistevano al cambiamento sociale. Nel corso dello stesso anno, scrisse, in soli due giorni il suo racconto più famoso, The Yellow Wallpaper in cui esprimeva il suo pensiero riguardo l’oppressione sociale ed economica della figura femminile.
Si guadagnò l’attenzione del pubblico anche grazie al suo primo volume di poesie, In This Our World, del 1893, contenente settantacinque poesie divise in tre sezioni riguardanti i suoi principali interessi principali: Il Mondo, La Donna e Il Nostro Genere Umano.
In California iniziò anche a tenere conferenze e discorsi pubblici presso alcuni club femminili e fu attiva in varie organizzazioni femministe e riformiste, tra cui la Pacific Coast Women’s Press Association (PCWPA) di cui divenne presidente.
Complici la continua lotta alla povertà e le pretese della sua promettente ma poco remunerativa carriera, nel 1894, l’anno del definitivo divorzio da Stetson, mandò la figlia a vivere con il suo ex marito e la sua seconda moglie. Nonostante riconoscessi i diritti paterni, la lontananza da lei le provocò un’enorme sofferenza.
Nel 1896 ha rappresentato la California alla Suffrage Convention di Washington e all’International Socialist and Labor Congress in Inghilterra.
Il suo saggio Women and Economics: a Study of the Economic Relationship Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution (1898), tradotto una sola volta in italiano nel 1902 da Carolina Pironti col titolo La donna e l’economia sociale: studio sulle relazioni economiche tra uomini e donne come fattore di evoluzione sociale, è considerato uno dei testi fondamentali sull’origine della questione femminile e sulle relazioni economiche e sociali tra i sessi.
Nel 1900 ha sposato Houghton Gilman, un suo cugino avvocato a Wall Street.
Mentre scriveva compulsivamente e teneva conferenze in tutto il paese, attraverso The Forerunner, giornale che ha fondato e diretto, diffondeva le sue idee sui diritti delle donne e sul ruolo nella società, proponendo la riforma della casa, del matrimonio e del lavoro..
Nel 1932, le fu diagnosticato un carcinoma mammario incurabile che la portò a suicidarsi con un’overdose di cloroformio, il 17 agosto 1935, la decisione fu il risultato finale del processo di rivendicazione del diritto di poter scegliere in autonomia la propria sorte.
Sia nella sua autobiografia che nel provocatorio biglietto lasciato al momento della dipartita, scrisse che preferiva il cloroformio al cancro. Ha fatto della sua morte, come della sua vita, una “scelta di servizio sociale”.
Straordinariamente prolifica e popolare ai suoi tempi, dopo la morte era stata dimenticata, successivamente, è stata riscoperta dal movimento femminista alla fine degli anni Sessanta, grazie alla ristampa di Women and economics, che ha dato inizio all’approfondimento di buona parte della sua opera.
La critica femminista ha messo in evidenza la qualità anticipatoria delle sue analisi e delle sue proposte. A partire dalla fine degli anni ottanta, sono stati portati alla luce non solo gli aspetti positivi del suo pensiero, ma anche le problematicità di un’ideologia basata sul presupposto che la civiltà americana bianca fosse superiore.
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wulfhroth · 4 months
⸺ 𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 : jebus
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• what's your phone wallpaper: Kim Kitsuragi from disco elysium!
• last song you listened to: IGORRR - VERY NOISE
• currently reading: Nothing, even though I really should be
• last movie: Oh jesus good question. Er. Oppenheimer? I think? It's beena bit-
• what are you wearing right now?: Shirt, white hoodie, jeans, socks, underwear, glasses for my pc. Yeah
• how tall are you?: 5'8'
• piercings / tattoos?: None!
• glasses / contacts: Glasses (for pc)
• last thing you ate?: Mr Kipling angel slice-
• favorite color: Ourple!!
• current obsession: Getting into survival horror. At least, I think.
• do you have a crush right now?: I have a gf
• favorite fictional characters: Harrier Du Bois, Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium), Legoshi (Beastars), Kiryu Kazuma, Majima Goro (Yakuza), Runar, Fray, Urianger, Emet Selch (FFXIV), Mr House, Arcade Gannon, Boone, Joshua Graham (Fallout NV), Josuke, Okuyasu, Giorno (JJBA), Mob, Reigen (Mob Psycho), Aegis, Junpei (Persona 3), Futaba, Ryuji, Yusuke (Persona 5), and many many many many many more! You'll find them out. DW.
• last place you traveled: Copenhagen, Denmark and yorkshire!!!!!
Tagged by: Stole it!
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tecnowiz · 2 years
Migliori trucchi e suggerimenti per il desktop di Windows 10 e 11
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Il desktop di Windows è più di una semplice cartella glorificata: è un riflesso della tua personalità. Puoi decorarlo con carta da parati, coprirlo con le tue scorciatoie preferite o persino giocarci sopra. Ecco i migliori trucchi e suggerimenti per il desktop di Windows 10 e 11 che renderanno la tua esperienza desktop più utile e divertente.
Vuoi migliorare la tua conoscenza di Windows? Ecco i migliori trucchi e suggerimenti per il desktop di Windows 10 e 11 e ottenere il meglio nella scrivania del tuo PC
Prima di iniziare è importante ricordare che un desktop pulito è un desktop felice. Se il tuo desktop è disordinato, noterai che il tuo computer rallenterà. Cerca sempre di mantenere il tuo desktop pulito.
Trasforma il tuo desktop in un prato
Se desideri un'app desktop divertente per portare un po' di tranquillità nella tua esperienza con Windows 10, prova Desktop Meadow di Sam Chiet. Fa crescere i fiori sulle finestre dell'app e sulla barra delle applicazioni, mentre gli uccelli amichevoli svolazzano intorno. Riceverai persino lettere in una piccola casella di posta desktop. È tuo da scaricare gratuitamente su itch.io , oppure puoi nominare il tuo prezzo come donazione allo sviluppatore.
Nascondi o mostra tutte le icone del desktop
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Se ti piace un desktop pulito e ordinato con le icone, è facile nasconderle temporaneamente tutte senza rimuoverle effettivamente. Basta fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse in un punto qualsiasi del desktop e, nel menu a comparsa, accedere a Visualizza > Mostra icone del desktop. Una volta disattivate, le tue icone saranno nascoste, ma puoi ripristinarle altrettanto facilmente attivandole nuovamente nel menu di scelta rapida.
Crea una cartella invisibile sul desktop
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È un trucco stupido, ma puoi creare una cartella invisibile sul desktop che si nasconde in bella vista. Implica la modifica dell'icona di una cartella in un'icona "vuota" (completamente trasparente) e la ridenominazione in un carattere di spazio non visualizzato. Non è tecnicamente privato o sicuro, ma è divertente.
Modifica velocemente la dimensione delle icone del desktop
Se desideri regolare rapidamente le dimensioni delle icone del desktop , premi Ctrl mentre fai scorrere la rotellina del mouse. Se scorri in una direzione, le icone diventano più grandi (probabilmente più grandi di quanto ti aspetteresti!), ma scorri nell'altra e saranno minuscole. Una volta trovata la dimensione desiderata, rilascia Ctrl e le icone rimarranno di quelle dimensioni.
Personalizza il tuo desktop con Stardock Fences
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Se ti piace organizzare file, cartelle e collegamenti sul desktop, prova  Stardock Fences . Questa utilità consente di disporre le icone in gruppi definiti dall'utente. Puoi anche lasciare che Fences ordini automaticamente i tuoi file Desktop.
Usa le foto del giorno di Bing come sfondo del desktop
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Bing offre bellissime foto ogni giorno e Microsoft semplifica il loro utilizzo automatico come sfondo del desktop . Basta scaricare e installare l' app ufficiale Bing Wallpaper e tutto è pronto! Avrai carta da parati fresca e di qualità professionale ogni giorno della settimana.
Usa i desktop virtuali
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Questo non riguarda strettamente lo spazio file desktop, ma puoi anche utilizzare desktop virtuali su Windows 10. Si tratta di aree di lavoro alternative per le finestre dell'app che puoi passare rapidamente. Ad esempio, potresti avere un desktop virtuale pieno di finestre delle app organizzate per una particolare attività, quindi passare a uno completamente pulito senza perdere il layout della finestra originale. Purtroppo, non puoi configurare più pagine di icone del desktop.
Crea un'icona Mostra sul desktop sulla barra di avvio veloce
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In Windows 10 o Windows 11 puoi vedere rapidamente il tuo desktop in qualsiasi momento se fai clic sulla piccola linea all'estrema destra della barra delle applicazioni. Se sei un fan di Windows della vecchia scuola, però, puoi creare e trascinare  un'icona Mostra desktop nell'area di avvio veloce. Quindi, la prossima volta che vuoi vedere il tuo desktop, fai clic sul collegamento e voilà!
Note finali
E siamo arrivati alle note finali di questa guida sui migliori trucchi e suggerimenti per il desktop di Windows 10 e 11. Prima di salutare volevo informarti che mi trovi anche sui Social Network, per entrarci clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest e Tumblr, per far conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluti. Read the full article
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